Focusing on health and wellness during tough times
These are strange times for all of us, with plenty of worry to spare. And all this anxiety can affect our physical, emotional, and mental health. While my focus is to help you stay on track with your financial goals, I care about how you and your family are holding up.
We all know the key ingredients of staying healthy are eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. If you’re struggling to stay positive during these times, here are some things that can help.
Technology can help us get through self-isolation. Netflix and other streaming options enable you to catch up on some of your favourite shows. Skype or FaceTime make it easier to stay in regular contact with family and friends. And sharing jokes or funny stories can be cathartic–-laughter is truly great for the soul.
Exercise, like laughter, releases those feel‑good endorphins and is one of the best stress relievers around. Even a 10‑minute walk can help alleviate anxiety and pump oxygen to the brain. If you prefer something more instructive, there are plenty of online classes or exercise videos on YouTube to try.
Another positive–the weather is improving, meaning we can finally get outside. Gardening can be therapeutic, and studies have shown that fresh air and getting out into nature can calm nerves and help reduce blood pressure.
If you’re having trouble sleeping, a calming bedtime routine, such as meditation or a good work of fiction can help you get some decent shut eye.
And last but not least, whether you have questions about the markets or your investments, or just want to share a story, I’m here to talk.
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